Sounds like a myth? This is an irony as there are easy ways to quit smoking but at the same time, they are complicated too. If you are on a search for traditional or alternative methods to give up smoking, Here is a list of the suitable options to help you get through this challenging time:

Acupuncture therapy

This is a painless technique that involves the insertion of extremely thin needles into particular points on the body to stimulate and improve energy flow to certain areas. Being a common, safe, and effective method to help smokers quit, it is used as a complementary method to help with the physical side effects of nicotine withdrawal.

Herbal treatment

Herbal supplements quit smoking, sounds interesting, right? They do so by reducing cravings and nicotine withdrawal symptoms like irritability and emotional unrest. Herbal treatment helps in repairing tissues that have been damaged by smoking. Green tea is considered one of the most common herbal remedies to control cravings as it keeps the system flooded with elements that are thought to diminish the urge to smoke. It can be sipped throughout the day with the combination of Lobelia tea during the detoxification period. Effective herbal supplements quit smoking by controlling cigarette cravings and smoking cessation, two of these major herbs, are mentioned below:

St. Johns Wort 

The herb Hypericum perforatum or St. John's Wort is used primarily for depression although researchers are still going on to its effectiveness for smoking cessation as well. The results of reducing cigarette cravings are mixed.


The herb Ginseng has shown smoking cessation by preventing the nicotine-induced release of dopamine or neurotransmitter dopamine which is responsible for making people feel good after the smoking process and is part of the addiction process.


Hypnosis or hypnotherapy is the most successful approach as it has produced good results for many smokers struggling to quit, primarily by helping reduce the body’s dependence on nicotine. It works by getting you into a deeply relaxed state where an attempt to change your subconscious motivations to smoke and ultimately a change of habits, associations, and triggers which drive this behaviour is attempted.

Nicotine replacement therapy

Nicotine replacement therapy often called as NRT, involves replacing cigarettes with other nicotine substitutes such as:

a. Gum

b. Patch

c. Lozenge

d. Inhaler

e. Nasal spray

NRT helps you focus on breaking your psychological addiction and makes it easier to focus on learning new behaviours and coping skills. Further, it relieves some of the withdrawal symptoms by providing small steady doses of nicotine into your body without the tars and poisonous gases found in cigarettes.

Electronic cigarettes

Vaping is an alternative to the cigarette that is said to help smokers in quitting smoking, although the FDA has not approved vaping as a method of smoking cessation. An E-cigarette or an electronic cigarette is designed to physically look like a cigarette with a glowing tip and vapor that is inhaled. The process of inhaling is the same as that of a normal cigarette, except for the fact that instead of inhaling smoke, you are inhaling a mist of liquid, flavourings, and nicotine in a puff.

Lifestyle changes

Lifestyle modifications by adopting a healthy lifestyle can greatly affect your ability to quit smoking. Some effective, useful tips include:

a. Have plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet.

b. Say no to sugar and caffeine as both can increase blood acidity and elevate withdrawal symptoms.

c. Exercise to relax and reduce stress.

d. Identify environmental triggers that induce cravings like drinking alcohol, partying, or having fights.

e. Prevent dehydration

Drink plenty of water every day to make sure that you are not dehydrated as dehydration is directly linked to increased cravings. To avoid this, stay hydrated.

f. Get enough sleep

Take a good night’s sleep every night as getting enough sleep enables you to better combat the stressful and often unavoidable situations that trigger cravings.

g. Meditation

Practice deep breathing, meditation training, or techniques as these help to improve self-control and attention with an attitude of openness. Meditation in smokers to quit smoking, allows coordination of the body and the mind to achieve a meditative state that provides body relaxation and mental imagery. Exert no effort to control thoughts, but instead aim for a restful alertness state that gives a high degree of body, mind, and environment.

Motivational therapy

Motivational therapy involves self-help books and websites that offer several ways to motivate yourself to give up smoking. For example, the calculation of monetary savings that calculates how much money you will save if you quit smoking. 

Remember, it is never too late! So, start following the above ways to help you give up smoking safely and soundly!


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